My alarm sounded 3 times and still I didn't want to get up. I spent most of the morning sulking, saying that I really didn't want to go to school. Nonetheless, got ready, squeezed my way into a very full jeepney, and was off to school. Larry being the cautious one, told me I had to leave by 9AM in order to make my 10AM class. WRONG! I was 45 minutes early for class which did nothing for my butterflies. I was the loner kid in a new school with no friends observing the dynamic of the groups of students walking into the building. All these fools know each other! Ugh. So I took up real estate on a bench outside the room waiting.
The usual professor introduction occurred followed by roll call. Let me tell you, I started to seriously worry I was in the wrong class because they didn't call my damn name. I swear I checked my schedule and walked into the right class.. Apparently, the grad students were separated from the the undergrads on the attendance sheet so I was in the right place. Phew!
Anyhow, it was an easy day. We watched a video then was dismissed. I walked to the Registrar's building to pay my tuition and scoped out the line to pay for and schedule a photo for my school ID. The line was horrendous so I just came home.
Day 1: went to school, paid tution, rode a jeepney (twice) by myself, check! =)